Thursday, September 6, 2007

Chapter 1: New World Beginnings

From the American Pageant book starting on pg. 4

225 million years ago, supercontient (pangea)
Terrain began to drift away opening the oceans. Shifting and folding = mountain ranges ex. the rockies, appalchians, sierra nevada, cascades, and coast ranges. "tidewater" regions. Great ice age - 2 million years ago. Glaciers retreat- 10,000 years ago. Lake formation and rivers drained to the ocean. Lake bonneville = HUGE! Now only the great salt lake remains.

People probably came here through the bering strait across a land bridge. When the ice age ended, the glaciers melted and the sea level rose again, causing the land bridge to disappear. These people migrated and reawched the tip of south america. Incas- peru, mayans-central america, and aztecs-mexico had sophisticated civilizations, advanced agricultural practices using maize. Large draft animals included horses and oxen helped people build elaborate cities carried on far-flung commerce. Mathematicians made accurate astronomical observations and the aztecs sought the favor of the gods by offer human sacrifices.

Agriculture such as corn growing accounted for size/sophistication of native american civilizations. Wild grass was developed and cultivation of corn spread across americas from mexican heartland causing agricultural villages to develop. Corn planting reached america molding pueblo culture. They constructed intricate irrigation systems to water cornfields. However there were no dense populations or complex nation-states in north america. Mound Builders of the Ohio River Valley and mississippian culture of the midwest, and desert dwelling anasazi people of the southwest did develop larger settlements because of corn. Beans and squash also developed and rich diet = highest population densities.

Women tended the crops and men hunted. Matrilinear cultures, possessions passed down the female side of the family line. Native americans revered nature unlike the europeans. And because of their scarcity, the vast areas of america seemed to be untouched by human hands.

Norse seafarers reached north america in year 1000 and built flimsy settlements that were soon forgotten.

Later on, europeans sought contact w/ a wider world for conquest/ trade. So they led a drive toward asia, penetrated africa, and accidentally discovered america. Here is the chain of events

1) Christian crusaders tried to control the holy land and fought w/ the muslims. This introduced goods that have been unknown in Europe.
2) However, the luxuries in the East were expensive and had to be transported across enormous distances. and muslim middlemen charged a heavy toll SO european consumers were eager to find a less expensive route to Asia.
3) Marco Polo's book stimulated european desires for a cheaper route to the east as well.
4) Before, european sailors did not want to sail along the cost of west africa because of the strong currents
5) However, in 1450, the portugese developed the caravel and discovered that they could return to europe by sailing northwesterly from the african coast where westward breeds would carry them home
6) New world of sub-saharan africa was within grasp of the europeans. Trading posts were set up and purchase of gold and slaves occurred. Slaves worked in ports that the portugese had developed. The portugese still searched for water route to Asia. Bartholomeu Dias rounded africa in 1488 Vasco de Gama reached INdia and returned hom with jewels and spices.
7) Spain was united by the marriage of ferdinand and isabella. They were eager to out strip their portugese rivals. Because portugal had already controlled the east african coast and the gateway to the round-africa water route to india, they looked west.
8) In 1450, prining presses facilitated spread of scientific knowledges. Compasses borrowed from arabs eliminated uncertainties of the sea
9) Christopher columbus persuaded the spanish to give him 3 ships and set sail on 1492 westwards and caught sight of the bahamas while he was seeking a way towards india. He thought they were indians and thus the name. America is discovered.

Columbus bought horses and crops to the americas and indians suchas the apaches, sioux, and blackfoot adopted the horse. Seeds of the sugar cane were also brought and thrived in the warm caribbean climate. Sugar revolution forced the migration of millions of africans to work.
Smallpox and other diseases devastated native americans who had be isolated in the americas so they did not have the antibodies to protect themselves from those illnesses but they took revenge by injecting syphilis for the europeans.

Europeans realized that america was rich in gold and silver and spain claimed the americas with the treaty of tordesillas, dividing america between spain and portugal. Vasco Nunez Balboa, hailed as discoverer of the pacific ocean, claimied panama for the king along with all the land washed by the seas. Ferdinand magellan successfully circumnavigated the globe. Juan ponce de leon explored florida. Francisco Coronado wandered trhough arizona and new mexico. Hernando de soto seeked for gold in florida and discovered the missisippi. Francisco Pizarro crushed the incas of peru and added booty to spanish coffers. Precious metal flowed into europe increasing consumer costs by 500 percent. Some see this as fuel that fed capitalism. The West indies served as offshore bases where supplies could be stored. Institutions such as the encomienda were established.

stopped on pg. 17

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