Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chapter 3: The Expansion of New England

((skipping over to pg,. 49))

Conneticut river- hartford founded in 1635 by reverand thomas hooker and his group of boston puritans
3 years later, settlers of new conneticut river colony drafted the Fundamental Orders, a modern constitution that established a democratic regime controlled by citizens. Another conneticut settlement sprung up at New haven in 1638. It was founded by Puritans who wanted to make a seaport... but merged with more democratic connecticut as a result of Charles II.
In 1623, Sir Ferdinanando Gorges attempted to colonize land of lakes and foerst but was later absorbed by the masachussetts bay. However, in 1677, it was purchased from the Gorges heir and remained a part of massachusettes for fifty years after it became a seperate state.
New Hampshire also sprang from the fishing and trading activities along its coasgt and was absorbed in 1641 by the Bay Colony under the massachusettes charter. However, the king sperated it and made it into a royal colony.

Spread of settlemetns led to clashes with the indians. An epidemic had already illed 75% of the inidans and deseerted indian fields greeted the plymouth settlers when they arrived.
The wampanoag indians befriended the settlers. One of these was Squanto.
The english settlers pushed inland and confrontations increased. In 1637 the English fought with the Pequot tribe and set fire to their village. The puritans tried to convert the remaining indians to christianity.
However, a pan-indian Alliance was established. In 1675, Metacom, Massasoit's (wampanoag cheiftain) forged an alliance and mounted assaults on english villages throughout new england. Fronteir settlements were hard hit and refugees fell back towards Boston for safety. After the war ended in 1676, 52 puritan towns were attacked a 12 were destroyed. Many were dead and indians were sold into slavery. Metacom was beheaded and displayed.
King Philip's WaR slowed the westward march of english settlement in new england for several decades and the war infliced at lasting dfeat on the indians.

Four colonies banded together to form the NEw England Cnfederation. Old england was involved in civil wars and new england made the confederatino to defend against foes such as the indians, french, and gthe dutch. Each colony wielded two votes. The confederation was an exclusive puritan club and included two massachusetts colony, bay colony and plymouth and two connecticut colonies, new haven and valley settlemetns. The puritans blackballed rhode island and maine because they "harbored too many hertical" characters. However, it was a notable milestone on the road toward oclonial ujnity and delegates acted together in matters of intercolonial importance. Back in England, America was ignored (salutary neglect)
When Charls II was rewstored to the throne in 1660, royalidts and their church of england allies were more firmly in the saddle and puritan hopes of purifying the english church whithered and charles II was determined to manage the colonies.
But he was mortified to find that the royal orders had no more effect oe connecticut a sea-to-sea charter that legalized squatter settlemetns. Outcasts in Rhode Island received a new charter that give sanction to the most religiously tolerant government in America during the time, a crushing blow to the bay colony whoe charter was revoked by london authorities.

Further humilation in 1686 when the Dominion of New England was created by royal authority. Contrary to the New England Confederation, it was imposed from london and expanded to include new york and easy and west jersey. It was aimed at bolstering colonial defense in the event of war with the indians from the viewpoint of parliament. It was also designed to promote urgently needed efficiency in administration of the english navigation laws that reflected intensifying colonial rivalries of the 17th century. The navigation laws sought to stitch england's overseas possessions more tightly to the motherland by throttling american trade with countries not ruled by england.
The american chafed at such confinements resorted to smuggling.
At the head of the new dominion stood autocratic Sir Edmund Andros, an english military man who was tactless. He generated hostility by his affiliation with the church of england. His soldiers outraged colnists by teaching the people how to drink and curse.
Andros used a mailed fist and curbed cherished town meetings, laid heavy restrictions on courts, presses and schools, and revoked all land titles. He taxed them without consent of representatives and eforced the navigation law and suppressed smugglking. Colonists goaded to revolut because they were unaccustomed to such unusual priveliges.
During the Glorious Revolution, the ppl of england dethrone king james II and enthroned protestant rulers of the netherlands, william II andwife Mary, daughter of James II.. When news of this revolution reached the americas, the dominion collapsed and a boston mob rose against the existing regime. Sir edmund andros hastily went back to england.
In massachusetts, it was made into a royal colony with a new charter and governor and voting was to be enjoyed by all property holders instead.
Many americans striked againt the royal authority. New monarchs relaxed their grip on colonial trade. On the other hand, mroe english officials were staffed at the courts. They were incompetent and appointed by influential patrons in england and blocked the rise of local leaders to position sof politcal powers.

The oppressed netherlanders rebelled against spain and with the aid of protestant england, they won their independence. During the era of Rembrandt, it was a golden age in dutch history and they began to challenge their benefactor england. 3 anglo-naval wars were fought and the dutch dealt hard blows.
They employed henry hudson, an english explorer and he ventured into the delaware bay and new yhork bay in 1609 and filed a dutch claim.
They established new amstredam that was run by stock holders. The appointed generals were despotic. It was very aristocratic and feudal states (patroonships) fronted the hudson river.

Director generals were often incompetent and shareholders demanded dividends at expense fo the colony's welfare. The indians retaliated with massacres and a stout wall was erected by the dutch as a defense measure.
New england was hostile towards the Dutch and peopple of connecticut ejected hollanders. The Swedes trespassed on dutch preserves from 1638 to 1655 and planted a colony of new sweden on delaware river and following the 30 years war in wihich it's king carried the torch for protestantism, itentered the costly game in america.
The dutch dispatched a military expedition in 1655 with peter stuyvesant as its leader "Father Wooden eg" and swedish rule came to an abrupt end and its colony absorbed by new netherland.

New Netherland layed under the meancing shadow of english colonies and was honeycombed with enw england immigrants. Soon the english outnumbered the dutch and in 1664, after the charles II granted the area to his brother, duke of york, an english squadron appeared off new amstredam and peter stuyvwsant was forced to surrender. So new amsterdam was now "new york". England won a harbor that was located in the middle of colonies and the english banner waved triumphantly. However an autocratic and aristrocratic sprit remained. The livingstons and de lanceys weilded power and their monpolistic land policies combined with lordly atmosphere discouraged immigrants.

The quakers arose in england during the mid 1600s. In 1681, he secured a grant from the king in return for the debt owed to his deceased father. It was called "pennsylvania". It was the best advertised and pamplets about it wad distributed. Penn welcomed forward-looking spirits and substantial citizens. His liberal land policy encouraged substantial holdings was instrumental in attracting immigratns.

Penn launched his colony in 1681 and his task was simplified b squatters. Philadelpohia was established. Penn bought land from the indians and treated them fairly. Some tribes even migrated to pennsylvania. However, nonquaker immigrants flooded into the province and undermined the policy. colony was liberal and their was no tax supported state church. Freedom of worship was allowed bhut penn was forced to deny catholics and jews.
New jersey began in 1664.
Swedish-tinged delaware consisted of three counties. It was granted its own assembly in 1703 but remained under the governor of pennsylvania until the american revolution.

The middle colonis new york, new jersey, delaware, and pennsylvania enjoyed:
Fertile soil, expanse of land, heavy exports of grain. Rivers tapped fur trade. Industry hummed in the middle colonies and forests abounded for lumbering and ship building. River estatuaries and landlocked harbors stimulated commerce and growth of seaports scuh as new york and phily. Even albany was a port.
The population was more ethnically mixed and ppl were blessed w/ religious toleration and democratic control. Economic and social democracy prevailed.

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